I was born and raised in Didsbury, Alberta, and moved to Lethbridge to study Digital Communications and Media at Lethbridge Polytechnic.  This program has opened so many doors for me including my love for radio broadcasting, public relations event planning and photography. I love this program for many reasons, but the main must be experiencing everything media.

In my free time you can find me socializing with friends or in the summers you can find me on a boat in British Columbia wake surfing.

I have a strong passion for non-profit organizations as I have worked with the Alberta Children’s Hospital for four years as an ambassador. I wanted to be involved with the media since I was 15 years old. Having worked with the Alberta Children’s Hospital as an Ambassador and helping care for kids radiothon. I knew I wanted to do something like non-profit Communications or Marketing for my career. I loved the aspect of helping not only kids but the families at the hospital as well. My dream has always been to work for a non-profit organization.

About Me